Submitted by , posted on 29 March 2001

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Here's a shot from my latest game, Loonyland: Halloween Hill, just came out yesterday in fact, so hurry to my website and order up a copy! How can you resist!? I could talk about some of the fancy features, but however fancy they are, they aren't trilinear or mip-bizzled or flange-flipped or anything, so I'll just say it's fun, it's 2D, it's an action-adventure game (Zelda type of thing... get quests, do them, kill lots of monsters), and it includes the Pants Of Power, not to mention a whoopee cushion and potted cactus as special weapons. Demo, shots, info, and ordering are available on my website at Check out the demo and I'd love to hear what you think.

Mike Hommel
Hamumu Software

Image of the Day Gallery



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