Submitted by , posted on 28 May 2003
Image Description, by
G3D is an open source
(BSD) 3D support library for game developers, researchers, and
students. The library is in C++ and is available as precompiled
binaries for Windows or source for Windows and Linux. It isn't a game
engine--it contains the pieces you would assemble to make a game
engine, demo, or final project.
This image is from the CollisionDemo that comes with version 5.01 of
the library, which just released. The demo shows how to perform some
common 3D tasks like initializing OpenGL and creating a window,
rendering with vertex arrays, loading a 3D model, collision detection,
using OpenGL extensions (shadow mapping in this case), and monitoring
rendering performance. It also has a sky-box and Quake-style mouse
and keyboard input for flying the camera. The physics are
intentionally rudimentary in the demo. G3D is intended for rendering
and geometry computations, not physical simulation (there are many
good simulation libraries you can use with G3D).
The source for the demo (and 4 other demos) is available as part of
the 5.01
Morgan McGuire is
a PhD student at Brown University who works in the Games Research