Submitted by , posted on 31 July 2002
Image Description, by
Text Mode Demo Competition 4 is over.
Text mode demos offer unique challenges for the demo maker which play a very
insignificant role in other kinds of demo competitions. First of all,
resolution and color spaces are rather limited, forcing the demo authors to
consider different forms of anti-aliasing and careful adjustment of contrast
and color balance.
Contrast and color balance play a very large role in describing depth, as
can be seen from the above screenshots - you can clearly see that the winner
has succeeded in this much better than the others.
Here are the results -
1. Super Killer by dairos, nula, para, raist, stonda, tpp
2. contact by portal project
3. flowres by Numedia Cyclops
4. TextOS by Tonrauschen
5. Holiday by Tonrauschen
The competition pages are at http://taat.fi/tmdc/
All of the demos run under Windows2000 console, being the first batch of
textmode demos to do so. If you missed the contest, don't despair - TMDC5
will be held this year, as well, and the deadline is the more traditional
11.11.02. More information will be published on the www.taat.fi website
closer to the deadline.