Submitted by , posted on 04 September 2002
Image Description, by
I made this engine a few months ago and dropped it as I have now got a new
job & school. But I thought this graphics engine should be shown to the
world so here it is. Now the specs:
This a mode 7 engine such as the ones used in the orginal super mario kart
etc. It gives the sense of projection in 2D using line segments & scaling
techniques. This engine supports movement along all 3 axises so in a sense
it is 3D but notice that the levels are actully flat 2D planes.
As my first ever graphics engine I found this really hard to create.
Espcially getting a decent speed on PCs ( pentiums & 486 ). The reason the
super nintendo could do it so fast is because it had built in hardware. The
code features inline assembly to speed it up.
On the image above you see a few screenshots of the graphics engine and a
few karts driving around. It also shows a complete working MFC level editor.
I don't think I will try to make a game out of this engine. But if anyone
whould like the sourece code & the level editor please send me an email to
Iain Fraser @ : WizHarD@hotmail.com
PS this engine uses DirectDraw 7.0 , supports DirectInput and uses joysticks
& keybaord, It also has DirectSound code which at the moment has a few
engine sounds getting louder when a kart gets close preety primitve to say
the list and a fancy UI.