
Submitted by , posted on 30 October 2000
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I'm a Senior at DigiPen Institute of Technology, and in my raytracing class I
made this raytracer. This scene file was created by my teacher, and I must say
I was a little surprised at first that my tracer could actually make it look so
wicked. I believe there are 15 lights in the scene, with the three spheres, 5
columns (made as quadrics), and the polygons. I went ahead and busted out an
image with the phong illumination and soft shadows, and here's the result. I've
been working on transmission for a day or two, but it's not really in a state to
demo yet.
BTW, with soft shadows calculated for each pixel (up to 19 shadow feelers per
reflection), max depth of 30 for reflection, and phong illumination, this took
about 8 minutes to render at 1000x1000 resolution on my P-III 650, and no, I
don't do any of the sneaky tricks for optimizing raytracing at the cost of
-Andy Luedke